Registration is now closed and the scratch sheet with class splits and start times is posted (pdf link to print) for the inaugural Bridge Fiasco race this Sunday. Corrections or changes (if any) will be posted by 1800 Friday 5 June.
The Race Committee will be on station approximately 0830 Sunday 7 June between Fiske Rock and the South end of Prudence Island at the start. Competitors are reminded to check in on VHF 72 at least 10 minutes before their scheduled start, and report if sailing single or double handed.
Competitors are also requested to use RaceQs as described in the NOR and SI and upload their track after the race so that the race may be played back at a later date at this link.
This is one of the first races of the season on Narragansett Bay due to Coronavirus pandemic precautions. Please observe the guidelines for keeping safe and healthy disseminated by National, State and Local authorities.
Marcus Cochran, Race Committee
Twenty Hundred Club