West Bay Social – Wed, Jan 22 at EGYC

The Twenty Hundred Club and East Greenwich Yacht Club are excited to host a West Bay Sailors Social

  • WHERE: East Greenwich Yacht Club, (Directions)
  • WHEN: Wednesday, January 22nd from 1800 to 2000
  • WHO: Sailors, friends and family from the  Twenty Hundred Club, East Greenwich Yacht Club, Edgewood Yacht Club, Quonset Davisville Navy Yacht Club, Rhode Island Yacht Club, Saunderstown Yacht Club, West Bay Yacht Club, and Wickford Yacht Club. 
  • WHAT: Sailors Social – see the summer sailing crew, have a cocktail, learn about what’s on the calendar for 2025 and get your plans in the book!
  • WHY: BEER! More people, more fun, more sailors, more friends, more boats on the starting line, more stories.


SEE YOU THERE! RSVP’s appreciated, but not required.

Permanent link to this article: https://twentyhundredclub.org/west-bay-social-wed-jan-22-at-egyc/