Early Registration Discount
Block Island Race

Block Island Race


2025 Block Island Race fees - Out 2 August - Return 4 August

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Scroll down to read the product description and liability waiver

Please click here to log in and check your scratch sheet information before adding this product to your shopping cart.


Early Registration Discount Price

More info

Please click here to log in and check your scratch sheet information before adding this product to your shopping cart.

Pay fees for the 2025 Block Island race held Saturday 2 August out and Monday 4 August return.   Registrations / payment made after 26 July will have a $30 late fee added. 

  • You must be a current year Twenty Hundred Club Member in order to register for a race. If you are unsure, whether or not you have renewed your membership, you may click here to view the current year membership list.
  • Please make sure that your personal and boat information (including PHRF rating) are up to date before placing your order. First you must log in if you are not already logged in, then select Scratch Sheet Information in the My account list to review and update your information. Return to this page after making updates.
  • Select Spinnaker, Non-Spinnaker or Multi-hull class using the dropdown
  • Read and acknowledge the waiver of liability & assumption of risk below, then select I Acknowledge in the Liability Waiver drop down - this will enable the Add to cart button.
  • Click     Add to cart     , then continue shopping or click on the cart and proceed to checkout.


I, the undersigned yacht owner, in consideration of my participation in Twenty Hundred Club events, hereby waive any and all rights which I have against the Twenty Hundred Club, its officers, directors, trustees, agents, servants and employees arising out of my participation in any sailing event and shore-side activities sponsored by the Twenty Hundred Club, and I acknowledge my assumption of risk with respect to myself, my crew, and my guests.

Indicate acknowledgement of the Waiver of Liability and Assumption of Risk by selecting I Agree in the drop down provided.
