Sailors, I am excited to announce Twenty Hundred Club’s 2023 sailing season. In keeping with the storied tradition of over 77 years of racing, the Twenty Hundred Club (20HC) welcomes back its spinnaker, cruising, and multi-hull racers for another exciting season. The club continues to start some of the most unique races in and out of Narragansett Bay. The board has worked over the winter to develop some exciting new opportunities for club members both on and off the water. |
Robyn Earley, Commodore |
Over the years, 20HC has had many supporters but membership was typically made up solely of the boat owners and skippers. This year, we have added an associate membership for $10 for crew and shore supporters to become more connected to the club. We have also made some exciting changes to the Youth Series. This year, the series will be contested as a part of each of the 20HC races (excluding the Around Aquidneck Challenge). More opportunities to get our young sailors out on the water! |
Thank you Doyle Sails Newport for supporting Twenty Hundred Club
ADDRESS: 23 Johnny Cake Hill, Middletown, RI 02842, United States TELEPHONE: +1 401 849 9400 |
Our Vice-Commodore Tim Grimes, Member at Large Tom Charlton, and our new Race Committee Chair Buster Pike have been hard at work finalizing the Notice Of Race (NOR). The project of standardizing the NOR and SI’s supports better communication with all of our racers. |
Tim Grimes, Vice Commodore |
Off the water, we have the return of the 20HC Spring Shore Party. Our new Rear Commodore, Chris Benzak has secured Newport’s very own Sailing Museum as a venue and with Russell Morin as a caterer, it is sure to be one of our best spring parties yet! |
Cortney Kingsley, Social Committee |
Gearing up for the season, 20HC has several social events planned. These events are focused on getting 20HC sailors together and introducing new sailors to our club. Mark your calendars for Tuesday February 28th at the Surf Club in Newport and Tuesday March 28th venue to be announced in Bristol. 20HC is also co-sponsoring the Marine Trade Alliance happy hour at the Cooke House March 15th. Many thanks to the club’s new secretary, Mike Filemon for letting us know about this great opportunity. We hope to see you there! |
Bill Kneller coaching a future helmsman, Recorder/Measurer/Webmaster |
The club also recognizes the continued support of our unsung heroes, John Wayley our awards chair and Bill Kneller our Recorder/Measurer and Webmaster. We appreciate all that you do for 20HC! We know that a successful season counts on good participation and competition. We look forward to having you join us and encourage you to bring a friend. Please bookmark our website and follow our social media channels for the latest news and additional details. Looking forward to seeing everyone for an amazing season both on and off the water! Robyn Earley Twenty Hundred Club Commodore Commodore@TwentyHundredClub.org