The Twenty Hundred Club will hold its annual business meeting at the Quantum Sails loft in Middletown. Pizza and refreshments will be served. Attendees are kindly requested to RSVP by clicking the following link to open a pre-formatted message:

Quantum Sails

Join your Twenty Hundred Club friends for drinks, dinner, and fun at Hotel Viking on Saturday 13 April to kick off the 2019 season.
Drinks start at 6:00pm with dinner served at 7:00pm.
Tickets offered on the Twenty Hundred Club online shop.

Twenty Hundred Club Spring Race Around Aquidneck Island
See the Race Page for details
Party at Tiverton YC after the race.

Twenty Hundred Club Race to Cuttyhunk – Race out on Saturday 20 July, party, then return on Sunday 21 July.
See the Race Page for details