We are trying to improve the visibility of the club to help motive new sailors to join the club as well as memorialize the races so when we start loosing our minds we will have a place to go to remember the races!
In 2019 we published a history of the club in WindCheck magazine.
For the 2020 season we have been able to expand our media relationships beyond WindCheck to get local coverage in The Newport Daily News, East Bay Life (Barrington, Bristol, East Providence Post and Portsmouth), The Jamestown Press, The Warwick Herald, The Warwick Beacon and the Cranston Herald. I will mostly link to the Windcheck article because they generate a nice PDF file for me. Occasionally I will also link to specific local paper when the editors take the liberty to come up with an interesting headline!
Overall we had another great seasons. Adding the Bridge Fiasco got us up to six races (not including the Around Aquidneck Challenge) and we are very proud that we had 108 boats (71 spin; 37 non-spin) start our races.
- The Bridge Fiasco Origins
- The Bridge Fiasco Race and great headline in East Bay Life (and page 2).
- The Virtual Club (East Bay Life, May 2020).
- Around Aquidneck Race, as seen in East Bay Life (and Windcheck).
- Triple mention in Windcheck (Editorial, Block Island Race and Cuttyhunk Race).
- Prince Henry Regatta
- The Fall Race
- Around Aquidneck Challenge
Participation in 2021 was down slightly, mostly driven by a last minute change of the date for the Fall Race. We had 86 boats (60 spin; 26 non-spin) start our races. A summary of three of our races can be found at:
Participation in 2022 was consistent with the prior year. We had 89 boats (57 spin; 31 non-spin) start our races. A summary of three of our races can be found at: