as amended December 15, 2022
Article I – Name
The name of this organization is Twenty Hundred Club. The name is derived from the starting time of the first club run from Brenton Cove, Newport, RI to Onset Harbor, MA, on August 30, 1946.
Article II – Purpose
The objectives of the club are as follows:
- To bring together in a common bond of fellowship those yachtsmen and yachtswomen in Narragansett Bay and nearby waters whose interests lie in boating under sail.
- To organize and provide racing in sailboats on Narragansett Bay and its adjacent waters.
- To promote the sport of sailboat racing in accordance with the best traditions of safety and seamanship.
Article III – Burgee
The club burgee is a white pennant on which is super-imposed abstract symbols in red standing for the Twenty Hundred Club. Its use is restricted to member craft capable of proceeding under sail.
Article IV – Membership
- The membership of the club shall consist of active and honorary members.
- Membership is open to any person who is interested in supporting the three purposes as described in Article II.
- Honorary members shall be elected by unanimous vote of the Executive Committee, after considerable deliberation, as a reward for exceptional service to the Twenty Hundred Club. Such duly elected honorary members shall be exempt from all dues and fees.
Article V – Officers
The Twenty Hundred Club shall have the following officers:
Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, Secretary, Treasurer, Measurer-Recorder, Race Committee Chair, Social Committee Chair, and Nominating Committee Chair.
The Officers along with any Members-at-Large, appointed by the Commodore, shall make up the Executive Committee. Officers shall be elected at the annual business meeting and shall take office at the conclusion of the meeting at which they are elected.
Article VI – Duties of Officers
- The Commodore shall be the executive head of the Twenty Hundred Club. He/she shall preside at meetings, command the fleet, and administer the Twenty Hundred Club affairs.
- The Vice Commodore shall assist the Commodore in his/her duties and preside in the Commodore’s absence. He/she may also serve as the Race Committee Chair.
- The Rear Commodore shall assist the Commodore and Vice Commodore and preside when both are absent. He/she may also serve as the Social Committee Chair.
- The Secretary shall maintain a roster of members, conduct Twenty Hundred Club correspondence, send out notices, and keep minutes of meetings. The Secretary may also serve as Measurer-Recorder.
- The Treasurer shall collect dues, have charge of Twenty Hundred Club funds, and keep records of all money received and disbursed on a calendar year basis.
- The Measurer-Recorder shall maintain a fleet roster, maintain a file of measurement certificates, and keep records of race results and trophy awards. He/she shall be authorized to check vessels to verify measurement certificates.
- The Race Committee Chair shall appoint as many additional members as he/she deems advisable. The Race Committee shall set up courses, establish time allowances, and run all Twenty Hundred Club races. The Race Committee Chair shall appoint such protest committees as may become necessary.
- The Social Committee Chair shall appoint as many additional members as he/she deems advisable. The Social Committee Chair shall plan and organize all social functions of the Twenty Hundred Club.
- The Nominating Committee Chair shall be the immediate Past Commodore. He/she may appoint two additional members who shall not be members of the Executive Committee, and whose appointment shall be subject to the approval of the Commodore. The Nominating Committee Chair shall prepare a slate of officers for election at the annual business meeting. This slate shall be provided to all members at least thirty days before the annual business meeting. Counter nominations may be made from the floor, provided that full written or emailed notification, including the names of proposed officers, is provided to the Secretary at least ten days prior to the annual meeting. Such written or emailed notification must be signed or endorsed via email by at least five members in good standing.
Article VII – Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall:
- Have full control over the Twenty Hundred Club management;
- Plan each year’s activities;
- Appoint special officers and committees;
- Fill any vacancy among the Twenty Hundred Club Officer positions;
- Consider and act upon applications for membership; and
- Take such action as it may consider necessary for the proper and successful function of the Twenty Hundred Club. The Executive Committee shall meet, at the call of the Commodore, at such time and place as he/she may direct, not less than four times a year. Four members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum and the majority of those present shall carry a motion.
Article VIII – Meetings
- The annual business meeting will be held during the month of November or December (or at another time voted upon by the Executive Committee) of each year to receive the Officers’ annual reports, to elect new officers, to establish dues, and to transact any other appropriate business.
- There shall be an annual Shore Party in March or April (or at another time voted upon by the Executive Committee) of each year to award prizes for the previous season’s events, to present the plans of the Executive Committee for the coming year, and to transact any other appropriate business.
- Special meetings may be called by the Commodore or by petition of at least 15 % of the membership in good standing.
Notification of all membership meetings shall be provided to the general membership at least ten days in advance of the proposed meeting date. At any membership meeting, 20 members in good standing other than Officers, shall constitute a quorum, and a majority of all members in good standing, present, shall carry a motion. For the purpose of obtaining 20 members in good standing, the meeting may be augmented with audio/visual conferencing and electronic communication such as email or online voting. A motion may be carried forward for up to ten days after a membership meeting with follow-up to additional members in good standing to obtain votes. Should 20 members in good standing not be obtained within the ten-day period, the quorum requirements shall be deemed as not met.
Article IX – Order of Business
At all meetings, the order of business shall be:
1. Roll call
2. Reading of minutes
3. Officers’ and Committees Reports
4. Membership/New Members
5. Unfinished Business
6. New Business
7. Election of Officers
8. Adjournment
Article X – Amendments
By-Law amendments shall be referred to the membership by the Executive Committee at an annual meeting or at any special meeting. A simple majority of the membership in good standing, present, shall be needed for affecting a change. The notice of meeting must contain such proposed amendments in full.