23 Johnny Cake Hill
Middletown, RI 02842
The Twenty Hundred Club will hold its annual business meeting at the Doyle Sails loft in Middletown. Pizza and refreshments will be served. Attendees are kindly requested to RSVP by clicking the following link to open a pre-formatted message: rsvp@twentyhundredclub.org
In addition to summarizing the season, we will also discuss proposed by-law changes and vote on the new officers which are:
- Commodore – Robyn Earley
- Vice Commodore – Tim Grimes
- Rear Commodore – Chris Benzak
- Secretary – Mike Filimon
- Treasurer – Julija O’Neil
- Measurer-Recorder – Bill Kneller
- Race Committee Chair – Buster Pike
- Social Committee (and Media) Chair – Courtney Kingesly
- Nominating Committee Chair – Nick Bowen (per by-laws, immediate past-commodore).
Materials for the meeting: