Prince Henry Race
An updated Sailing Instruction is posted on the Twenty Hundred Club Race Page for the 2018 Prince Henry the Navigator race on Saturday 25 August. Thanks to the work of a committee lead by Tom Charlton, the SI has been updated as summarized below:
- Clarifies starting requirements on furling headsails
- Clarifies requirement on 1st leg to sail
- Explicitly defines a leg may only be sailed twice – each direction is considered the same leg (e.g. a to b, then b to a constitutes sailing the leg twice)
- Clarifies which side a mark may be passed on
Competitors are requested to check the preliminary scratch sheet and email shop@twentyhundredclub.org on any of the following
- Changed Plans: Boat is listed on the scratch sheet but no longer racing
- Swap Classes: Change between Spinnaker & Cruising Class
- PHRF Value Needs Update: If the PHRF value listed is wrong, please email an update or change it in your profile when you log into the Twenty Hundred Club Shop
The scratch sheet will be posted by 1700 Friday 24 August.