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Around Aquidneck Island Race Reminder

Next Saturday, June 27th, commences the Twenty Hundred Club racing season with the Around Aquidneck Island regatta.  Held in partnership with Tiverton Yacht Club, this race is an almost complete circumnavigation of Aquidneck Island, beginning at Hog Island, racing out in the sound, up the Sakonnet and finishing just short of the Tiverton Boat Basin. …

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Registration Reminder — Racing is here!

Now is the time to register for this year’s Twenty Hundred Club racing!  We are hosting six unique events in the bay this season.  First is the Around Aquidneck Race, co-sponsored with Tiverton YC, on June 27th.  The course runs from Hog Island south and around Aquidneck, up the Sakonnet with a beautiful finish off …

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Commodore’s Pre-Season Letter

As I looked out across the frozen Sakonnet River this morning I thought about the fact that in four short months we will be sailing in the first Twenty Hundred Club event of the season.  Tiverton Yacht Club has once again stepped up to the plate and will be hosting the annual Twenty Hundred Club …

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Around Aquidneck Challenge Results UPDATED

Around Aquidneck Challenge

Latest results, through 10/31, for the Around Aquidneck Challenge are posted on the Race Page.

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Fall Race Results

are now posted in the Race Page section.  A great day of racing!  Thanks to all competitors and our RC support from RIYC.  See you next year!

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FINAL Fall Race Documents Are Posted

All final documents are now posted on the Race page.  Please note there was a new split for Cruising class and several boats either changed classes or reported ratings changes.  See you on the water tomorrow!

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An updated Fall Race scratch sheet is now posted!

An updated Fall Race scratch sheet is now available on the Race page.  This includes all new registrations this week and any administrative corrections through today, Thursday 9/18.  A FINAL scratch sheet will be posted tomorrow — make sure to download it for the race Saturday to ensure you are starting in the correct class.

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Fall Race Documents Posted

Fall Race documents may be found on the Race and Penalties page.  New documents include an amended NOR (added a multihull class and announced a post-race meal at RIYC), an SI, a PRELIMINARY scratch sheet (final to be posted September 19th) and updated penalties for all racers.  Notify with any issues.

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REVISED 2014 Prince Henry Results Are Now Posted

REVISED Results are now available on the race page.  These results replace those posted Sunday night and reflect a log sheet received Monday.

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2014 Prince Henry Scratch Sheet PRELIMINARY is now posted

2014 Prince Henry Scratch Sheet PRELIMINARY is now posted and may be accessed here.

Prince Henry penalties are now posted on the Penalties page.

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